Ton Willems - (Un)predictable 2021

Ton Willems - (Un)predictable 2021 kaufen? Bieten Sie von 990!
Ton Willems - (Un)predictable 2021 kaufen? Bieten Sie von 990!
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  • Beschreibung
  • Ton Willems (1954)
Art des KunstwerksMalerei
GerahmtNicht gerahmt
Maße100 x 100 cm (h x b)
SigniertHand signiert
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Antonius Willems (1954 Nijmegen, the Netherlands), a graduate of the Royal Academy of Art and Design in 's Hertogenbosch in the Netherlands, has spent the past 40 years gradually developing an extensive œuvre as a sculptor and a painter. His intimate approach to art directed by a highly refined formal sensibility gives his quiet and disarmingly simple compositions a delicacy of colour and extraordinary subtlety of design. Although his works are abstract they often draw inspiration from and communicate feelings experienced in the natural world. The paintings of this artists’ artist convey a mood of contemplative repose reminiscent of the work of Giorgio Morandi, whom he admired. 
Hadley Jermann

The idea that the world can be understood through patterns is one of man's most important insights and perhaps his most successful survival strategy. The quest for patterns started at least 40,000 years ago with the scratching of stripe patterns on mammoth bones and has led to the sciences of today. What routes has human knowledge gone through to grow from this humble beginning through many detours to the current insights into nature and culture?
ZustandWie neu
Preis> 10 kg oder mehr als 1,00 x 0,50 Meter
Innerhalb von Frankreich 20,00 €
In die EU 36,00 €
Weltweit 110,00 €
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Startzeit15-6-2023 um 18:58
Endzeit24-6-2023 um 22:39
Ausrufpreis 990 €
Auktionsprovision: 15%
AbholenNein, das ist nicht möglich
Ort des ObjektsParijs,  Frankreich